Whats new in the CRG Store you might be asking? Well I happen to have a very limited number of Melvins 7” vinyl lp picture discs on sale this Saturday, September 22nd at 12:00 noon pst! I have 40 to be exact, and they are $40 plus shipping. I expect they will disappear pretty quickly, so get the change out of your couch and pony up!

Pachyderms on Display
If you are a resident of the windy city Chicago, or if you are passing through in the next few days, I have a painting on display at the EXPO Chicago art fair from September 20th - 23rd at the Michael Kohn Gallery booth. Clowns, owls, and a few sad pachyderms are all hanging out in one cheery painting. Come take a looky if you are around, you might get some ideas for that cave circus you wanted to start.

In the Studio
I’m back in the studio and here are some fun peeks of stuff I’m working on.

Bunnies anyone? I'm working on a secret-ish project, here is a little peek, but more to come!

Hey, who are these cute little guys? What the heck are they up to?

This gang showed up on my table, they look like they are up to something if you ask me...

Until next time friends and strangers! Growing feet for children’s shoes, as Tom Waits would say. Happy fall!